Alu-Alu Blisters vs. Alu-PVC Blisters: What are the Differences?


1. Introduction

Blister packaging is vital in the pharmaceutical industry for protecting and extending the shelf life of medications. This blog will compare two popular blister types: alu-alu (aluminum-aluminum) and alu-PVC (aluminum-polyvinyl chloride) blisters, discussing their manufacturing processes, advantages, disadvantages, and applications.

2. Understanding Blister Packaging


Blister packaging involves sealing products in pre-formed plastic or aluminum cavities covered with a lidding material, ensuring product protection and integrity.


Blister packaging is essential for safeguarding pharmaceuticals from environmental factors, tampering, and contamination, ensuring patient safety and compliance.

3. Alu-Alu Blisters


Alu-alu blisters consist of aluminum foil on both sides, providing superior protection for sensitive medications.

Manufacturing Process

  • Material: Aluminum foil is used for both the cavity and lidding.
  • Forming and Sealing: The product is sealed between two layers of aluminum foil using cold-forming technology.


  • Protection: Excellent barrier properties against moisture, light, and oxygen.
  • Shelf Life: Extends the shelf life of pharmaceuticals by providing an impermeable barrier.


  • Cost: Higher material and production costs compared to other blister types.
  • Production Complexity: More complex manufacturing process requiring specialized equipment.

4. Alu-PVC Blisters


Alu-PVC blisters use PVC as the forming film and aluminum foil as the lidding material, offering a cost-effective packaging solution.

Manufacturing Process

  • Material: PVC forms the cavity, while aluminum foil serves as the lidding.
  • Forming and Sealing: The PVC film is thermoformed into cavities and sealed with aluminum foil.


  • Cost: Lower material and production costs compared to alu-alu blisters.
  • Ease of Production: Simpler manufacturing process with widely available equipment.


  • Protection: Lesser barrier properties against moisture and light.
  • Environmental Concerns: PVC has environmental and disposal concerns due to its non-biodegradability.

5. Comparison of Alu-Alu and Alu-PVC Blisters


  • Barrier Properties: Alu-alu blisters offer superior protection, making them ideal for sensitive drugs. Alu-PVC blisters provide adequate protection for less sensitive medications.
  • Suitability for Different Drugs: Alu-alu is suitable for moisture-sensitive and light-sensitive drugs, while alu-PVC is suitable for general pharmaceuticals.


  • Material Cost: Alu-alu blisters are more expensive due to the use of aluminum on both sides. Alu-PVC blisters are more cost-effective.
  • Production Cost: Alu-alu blisters involve higher production costs due to more complex machinery and processes.

Environmental Impact

  • Recyclability: Aluminum is recyclable, making alu-alu blisters more environmentally friendly if properly disposed of. PVC poses environmental challenges.
  • Environmental Footprint: Alu-alu blisters have a lower environmental footprint if recycling is considered, while alu-PVC blisters raise concerns over PVC disposal.

Market Preferences

  • Pharmaceutical Industry Preferences: High-value, sensitive drugs often use alu-alu blisters for maximum protection. Alu-PVC blisters are preferred for less sensitive and over-the-counter medications due to cost considerations.

6. Applications in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Sensitive Medications

  • Protection Needs: Sensitive medications require high barrier protection against environmental factors, making alu-alu blisters ideal.
  • Examples: Medications like certain antibiotics, cardiac drugs, and vitamins are commonly packaged in alu-alu blisters.

General Pharmaceuticals

  • Cost Considerations: For general pharmaceuticals, cost-effective packaging like alu-PVC blisters is often used.
  • Examples: Common medications such as pain relievers and antihistamines are frequently found in alu-PVC blisters.

7. Case Studies and Examples

Real-World Examples

  • Company X: Uses alu-alu blisters for its range of sensitive cardiovascular drugs, ensuring maximum protection and extended shelf life.
  • Company Y: Employs alu-PVC blisters for its over-the-counter pain relief tablets, benefiting from lower costs and ease of production.

Success Stories

  • Pharma Brand: Achieved increased product stability and market share by switching to alu-alu blisters for its vitamin range.
  • Generic Drug Manufacturer: Reduced packaging costs and environmental impact by optimizing alu-PVC blister designs.

8. Future Trends and Innovations

Technological Advancements

Innovations in blister packaging include improved cold-forming techniques for alu-alu blisters and the development of eco-friendly PVC alternatives.

Sustainability Initiatives

Efforts to enhance the sustainability of blister packaging focus on recyclable materials, biodegradable options, and reducing overall material usage.

9. Conclusion

Alu-alu and alu-PVC blisters each offer distinct advantages and challenges. The choice between them depends on the specific protection needs, cost considerations, and environmental impact of the pharmaceutical product. Understanding these factors helps manufacturers make informed packaging decisions.

10. Additional Resources

11. References

  • Include citations for any data or information referenced in the blog.

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