Entrepreneurship gets recognition for packaging of organic origin


Cascara, a Colombian Green-Tech company that uses organic waste to develop packaging, took second place, among 180 companies, in the Bibo awards in the Positive Nature category.

Innovating with new materials for the production of packaging is one of the solutions that some industry players are promoting. However, such innovation can come from small businesses that find a way to do their bit in the fight against waste generation.

Such is the case of Cascara, a Colombian enterprise that was born with the aim of curbing the production of plastics, which according to Acoplásticos is around the figure of 1.4 million tons per year. From materials such as cane bagasse, Cascara Tech develops biodegradable food packaging, which takes between eight and 12 weeks to decompose.

“We are a company that seeks to be a leader in innovation in the development of environmentally friendly packaging. We have been working on the design initiative for six years and two in the market, in this time we have managed to triple the turnover and make a great impact on the reduction of plastic waste in the country,” said Martín Ramírez, CEO and CPO of the company, in statements to the newspaper La República.

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Its sustainable commitment has been recognized by obtaining the second place, among 180 companies, in the Bibo Awards for the best environmental practices, in the category Positive Nature. Additionally, they assure that during their two years in the market they have sold more than 2.5 million packages to different mass consumption industries, among which fashion, spirits and beverages stand out, and some clients such as Grupo Éxito, Diageo, Creppes & Waffles and Bavaria.

Its packaging solutions with a lower environmental impact include single-use packaging for food and beverages, packaging for cosmetic products, biodegradable replacements for six packs, bags and the like.

Cascara’s expansion plans include the opening of a new office in Mexico and from there reaching other Latin American markets.