The Hoegger TrimX ™ system offers significant new benefits for bacon processing operations


Provisur’s new intelligent bacon trimming solution promises to bring significant improvements in yields and productivity for the current RTC (Ready to Cook) and RTE (Ready to eat) bacon processing operations.

The new Hoegger ® TrimX system from Provisur, which consists of a flattener, 3D scanner, side cuts and adjustment inspired by meat models – designed to eliminate all the defects of the bacon before the press. The result is a significant increase in slicing yields, more #1 slices and higher yield with less slicing losses on the line.

For bacon processors, the key to achieving higher yields is to make sure that each bacon has the perfect shape before reaching the slicer. Hoegger’s TrimX makes this a reality. The intelligent system automatically detects and eliminates all defects, including “fish tails”, sagging CT muscle and thin fat edges before the bacon reaches the press. The final result after pressing is a perfectly formed bacon that allows to produce as many quality slices as possible.

Best-in-class intelligent technology provides processors with remote access to the machine for fast fault diagnosis and state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology for optimal results. The scanner takes a 3D image of the bacon belly, which allows an analysis of the dimensions of the belly, fat and lean, and defects. It then records the shape and dimension of each belly, identifies product defects, and calculates the best way to trim the bacon based on data analysis. The lateral cut based on the meat model prepares the belly for optimal pressing and maximizes the volume of good meat for a significant increase in yield. In combination with the Hoegger Form pressing equipment, TrimX provides the ideal solution for bacon processors to improve efficiency and maximize yield.

Operators can easily adjust and store the parameters to match a customer’s cutting requirements or optimize the cutting according to the current market value. This intelligent cutting strategy results in higher performance and productivity, less waste and guarantees the highest quality cuts on every piece.

Other state-of-the-art features include the HMI assistant, which facilitates the adaptation and adjustment of all parameters and allows the operator to maintain full control of the operation. A database – including data on cutting volume, dimensions, shape, defects and ends – provides traceability and visibility. Images with cutting decisions allow versatile possibilities of optimization and evaluation of suppliers.


Hoegger TrimX – patent pending: Fully automated smart trimming system

Hoegger TrimX – patent pending: Smart trimming decision
